

Pushing off on my foot and sliding on the other foot,

I am free.


I am following you

who neither know nor want me, and am substantially free.


Lights shine through

other lights                 strange

and free.


Leaning on a wall

as a one-winged angel leans on a mirror

in an opposite space.


A shapeless thing

is brilliant;




Photo: Cylla von Tiedemann

One dancer supported by others to “run free” in long, slow, larger-than-life strides, run without creating shapes or patterns.  (This section is related to movement direction from “Mound.”)  Action initiated from internal knowing: my feet are free.  Landing.  Leaning.  Shining.  Sliding weight one to the other.


Pushing off.  My feet are knowing and free.

from A Lily Lilies

Poems by Josey Foo, Notes on Dance by Leah Stein