

A young woman climbs to the top of a mound and removes her shoes.  She is mapping the length of the mound.  She is mapping the flint (sun) for whom the mound is a texture in the air.

Mapping the earth

and it is the shape of an ear.


Words are movement. I am inspired to map a mound with my bare feet - to find a way for one dancer, eyes closed, feet bare, to be supported by the other dancers - (a moving mound of dancers - as landscape, as shadows, as the mass of air and earth). Her feet are her eyes - discovering textures and testing solidity, can my foot reach here? Can I put my weight there? Where is my weight? Am I directing it - or is it being moved by the "mound"? Guided by the "flint (sun)"? She is listening and seeing with her feet through bright and shadow together.

Mapping - infinite place of discovering. I use the word "mapping" often in teaching and dancing. The map of the body is infinite. 

FEET – Michele kneeling, back to audience, toes curled under, hands on ground in front of her. Light on her feet - as much as possible - the soles of her feet are lit, while the rest of her is in shadow. Glowing soles - like hands and fingers - she migrates across the stage - from right to left - skirting, scuffling, pausing, taking time and moving with clear intent, discovering, lead by her glowing feet. 

from A Lily Lilies

Poems by Josey Foo, Notes on Dance by Leah Stein